#antisocial Channel Statistics

Statistics last updated 2 seconds ago.

During this 936-day reporting period, a total of 412 different nicks were represented on #antisocial.

Active Times

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Most Active Nicks

Nick Number of lines Active Times Recent Quote Display Picture
01 morph 267215
<morph> with her frizzly hair and all
02 Menchers 68639
<Menchers> I guess :D
03 R 45215
<R> was how much of a piece of shit you coudl be?
04 netjester 14910
<netjester> fricking meth
05 tonitrus 12405
<tonitrus> i heard about it recently
06 litdimly 9892
<litdimly> I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far.
07 gothdaria 7513
<gothdaria> Dang I missed another fight in here?
08 Sairon 5836
<Sairon> i see
09 aloo_shu 5747
<aloo_shu> cometh forth, oh elders, I summon thee
10 aim2head 4401
<aim2head> sleep well, rolle
11 UndrWater 4010
<UndrWater> who you talkin' 'bout??
12 havoc 3671
<havoc> morph is a really good guy
13 DJ_Ice 3032
<DJ_Ice> Hm
14 havok 2845
<havok> morph is a really good guy
15 bluebus 2815
<bluebus> FTP uses one port for control and one for data. It's a pain to get through firewalls.
16 kattkattkatt 2688
<kattkattkatt> Now I remember! I registered katt with a fake email thinking I didn't need it. Turns out I do need an email, so I used a fake-but-real email, but I had to drop katt first
17 B-| 2463
<B-|> so not that great...
18 newtrawn 2460
<newtrawn> if he keeps kicking people arbitrarily from the channel, maybe take away his operator status until he can quit coming into the channel high on cocain and drunk?
19 bigfoot 2389
<bigfoot> any better?
20 trask 2301
<trask> ...

Big Numbers

Is azazello stupid or just asking too many questions? 100% lines contained a question!

the-fidgetest-fidgety-fidget didn't know that much either. 100% of their lines were questions.

The loudest one was DJ_Ballz1, who yelled 100% of the time!

Another old yeller was Psy, who shouted 100% of the time!

It seems that fidgety's shift-key is hanging: 100% of the time they wrote UPPERCASE.

webchat03 just forgot to deactivate their Caps-Lock. They wrote UPPERCASE 100% of the time.

Guest2340 brings happiness to the world. 100% of lines contained smiling faces. :)

paragenic isn't a sad person either, smiling 66.67% of the time.

subcon seems to be sad at the moment: 100% of lines contained sad faces. :(

boakled is also a sad person, crying 75% of the time.

groorc wrote the longest lines, averaging 309.25 letters per line.

The #antisocial average was 43 letters per line.

Psy wrote the shortest lines, averaging 1.00 characters per line.

NeroZer0 was tight-lipped, too, averaging 1.00 characters.

morph spoke a total of 1263619 words!

morph's faithful follower, Menchers, didn't speak so much: 535878 words.

groorc wrote an average of 72.88 words per line.

The #antisocial average was 7 words per line.

Other Interesting Numbers

Menchers is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 5 people!

Menchers's faithful follower, a_d, kicked about 3 people.

Menchers wasn't very popular, getting kicked 5 times!

newtrawn seemed to be hated too: 3 kicks were received.

morph donated 2784 ops in the channel...

tonitrus was also very polite: 137 ops were given.

morph is the channel sheriff with 7 deops.

gothdaria deoped 3 users.

Menchers always lets us know what they're doing: 412 actions!

Also, netjester tells us what's up with 266 actions.

morph talks to themselves a lot. They wrote over 5 lines in a row 12644 times!

Another lonely one was Menchers, who managed to hit 1501 times.

B-| couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 3613 joins during this reporting period!

webchat50 has quite a potty mouth. 50% of lines contained foul language.

n3wtr4wn also makes sailors blush, 33.33% of the time.